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Jeollanam to Establish FPC in Wando

Writer administ Posted at 2014-01-06
The new Fishery Products Processing & Marketing Center (FPC) will set in the South Jeolla Province’s Wando port.

The province announced on 19 December that it was chosen by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries for the investment of KRW 6 billion to develop the FPC.

The project is to construct a facility that is capable of processing and distributing the fishery products at a time in a bid to reduce the distribution phases.

The province plans to invest a total of KRW 6 billion for the next two years in Wando port to develop the seaweed processing plant and distribution facilities.

Wando produces 89 percent of national seaweed products. The development of the FPC is expected to process and distribute the seaweed products at lower costs and hence increase the income of the local residents, and provide products to visitors of Wando Seaweeds EXPO 2014 at lower prices.

It is also expected that the center will play a pivotal role in revitalizing the local economy by offering the hygienic and safe processing facility and improving the income of the local residents by reducing the distribution costs.