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FATI to Begin “Naju” Era

Writer administ Posted at 2014-01-06
Food and Agriculture Officials Training Institute (FATI), the second company to move into Naju’s “Bitgaram Innovation City”, officially began its operation in Naju’s new office on 23 December.

The city of Naju held a ceremony on the same day to celebrate the institute’s moving into its innovation city. The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Naju Lim Seong-hoon and officials of the FATI.

“We will take this as opportunity to contribute to the economy and job creation of the city by purchasing groceries from the local farmers and actively hiring local residents,” said Kim dae-geun, head of the FATI.

The official opening ceremony of the institute is planned to be held at the end of January in 0214. The FATI is the affiliated organization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

The new office has 71,000㎡ site and total floor area of 14,000㎡, and is equipped with training facilities, accommodation and convenient facilities.

The FATI is responsible for training 24,000 agricultural officials and fostering the rural-area leaders every year, and it will officially start to provide trainings from February in 2014.