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Boseong Tops Provincial Investment Assessment

Writer administ Posted at 2014-02-04
The South Jeolla Province (Jeollanam)’s Boseong-gun announced on January 3 that it received the grand prize in the province’s assessment of the performance and attraction of investment.

The assessment, which was organized by Jeollanam and carried out between December of 2012 and November of 2013, aimed to examine the investment attracting performance, improvement of investment conditions and general matters related to investment attraction.

During the assessment period, Boseong signed investment agreements with 24 companies, and 22 of them generated 199 employment opportunities for the country.

The county also received a high grade in pushing the construction of access road for Choseong Agro-Industrial Complex, support for the reinvestment of companies and sponsoring system for resolving difficulties of businesses.

The county plans to provide information related to investment attraction to entrepreneurs and local residents and consulting service in the areas of business prospects to investors upon the submission of business plans.

“Job creation is the most crucial factor in vitalizing the local economy. We will work harder to induce more investment in 2014,” said a county official.