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Korean Pavilion to be the World's First Hydrogen F

Writer administ Posted at 2011-11-16
According to Yonhap News,

World's first hydrogen fuel building will be presented in the 2012 Yeosu Expo.

The organizing committee of Yeosu Expo said on Oct. 17 that hydrogen fuel cell will be applied to the Korean pavilion for the first time in the world with the support from Hyundai Motor.

Hyundai Motor, holder of hydrogen fuel cell technology, will apply its technology to the Korean pavilion before using the technology in developing cars.

An official from the organizing committee said that the introduction of hydrogen fuel cell will make the Korean pavilion a landmark building in Yeosu Expo. It is expected that Korean people have a raised awareness of the climate change and reduction of greenhouse gases.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Oct. 17, 2011)

** This is an English translation of a Korean news article.