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Export of Damyang’s Bamboo Blade Tea to Europe Ris

Writer administ Posted at 2011-03-30
According to Yonhap News,

The export of bamboo blade tea, Damyang’s indigenous product, is increasing to European countries such as Swiss on the back of the wellness trend.

Damyang-gun, Jeonnam-do (South Jeolla Province) said on March 26th that it signed an MOU with Bamboo Health NARA and a Switzerland healthy food distributor.

Under the MOU, the Switzerland company will import 60 tons of bamboo blade tea, and Damyang-gun will cooperate in bamboo-related business and marketing activities.

Bamboo Health NARA forged a business relationship with the Swiss-headquartered company in 2004, and has exported bamboo blade tea worth USD 100,000 every year and has prepared to release new products featuring bamboo sap.

Especially, the Switzerland company is interested in bamboo-related products such as canned bamboo shoot.

The company is a healthy food distributor and has branches in Germany and France.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (March 26, 2011)

**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.