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Carbon Neutral YMCA Ecology Education Center Opene

Writer administ Posted at 2011-10-06
According to Yonhap News,

YMCA Ecology Education Center opened on September 30 in Yeosu, Jeonnam.

The educational center is a carbon neutral building that uses geothermal heat, solar, and wind power for heating and cooling.

The education center is a two-floor building, equipped with an education program room, seminar rooms, a multi-purpose hall, and ecology library.

Outside the educational center lies various renewable energy facilities, rain water storage facilities and low-energy insulators.

An official from the city said that the center will play an important role in ecological education as the first carbon neutral building in the province.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Sept. 30, 2011)

**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.