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Jeonnam Joins Hands with Maryland for Marine-Bio Industry

Writer administ Posted at 2013-11-28
Jeollanamdo Province and Maryland State in U.S recently agreed on mutual cooperation in the marine-bio industry.

The province also signed an agreement with Bio Park for nurturing the bio industry.

A group of Jeonnam provincial officials, led by Governor Park Joon-young, had a meeting with Martin O’Malley, Governor of Maryland, and signed an agreement between two local governments for further cooperation.

According to Jeonnam provincial authorities, it plans to induce U.S investment to the region in the field of renewable energy, marine-bio, fishery, as well as eco-friendly agriculture, hoping to become the driving force of the local development.

“The agreement is the beginning of vitalizing exchange between the two states in the broad range of industries.” Governor Park said.

The officials also reached an agreement with Bio Park Co. Maryland for mutual exchange of technology and enhanced cooperation.

Bio Park, a bio cluster which was established in 2003 by University of Maryland and ‘Bio Incubator’ of Montgomery County, is one of the leading bio clusters in U.S.

More than 1,200 staffs from the fields of cancer, vaccine, vascular biology as well as regenerative machine support the initial growth phase of bio industry. Multinational research institutes from 24 countries are currently residing in the cluster.