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Bridgestone Co. Built Retread Factory in Suncheon,

Writer administ Posted at 2011-07-04
According to Yonhap News,

Bridgestone Bandag which is in charge of retread in Bridgestone tire, completed the construction of Dae Young-Bandag, a retread factory in Suncheon, South Jeolla Province.

Dae Young Industry Corporation invested about KRW800 million in Dae Young-Bandag, and Bridgestone Bandag provides raw materials, technology, and education.

The factory has the capacity of producing 22 to 88 retread tires a day for trucks and buses.

Bridgestone Bandag plans to nurture the factory a hub of production and sales in Jeolla province.

Dae Young-Bandag is the fifth production facility of Bridgestone Bandag in Korea.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (June 27, 2011)

** This is an English translation of a Korean news article.