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Listed Companies in Gwangju and Jeonnam Posted 39%

Writer administ Posted at 2011-04-22
According to Yonhap News,

The export and domestic sales of listed companies in the Gwangju and Jeonnam-do (South Jeolla Province) region jumped significantly last year.

According to ‘export and domestic sales of corporations which settle sales account in December (securities market)’ announced by Gwangju Office of Korea Exchange on April 11th, the export amount was KRW 1,920.3 billion, a 39.13% (KRW 540.1 billion) increase from KRW 1,380.2 billion on a year-on-year basis.

The portion of export in sales was 40.30%, risen by 1.40%p from last year.

Also, the domestic sales recorded KRW 2,844.1 billion last year, a 31.25% rise (KRW 677.2 billion) from KRW 2,167 billion of the same period last year. Also, the ratio fell by 1.40%p to 59.7%.

Top export companies in 2010 are Kumho Tire (KRW 1,604.8 billion), followed by Dayou Smart Aluminum (KRW 129.7 billion), and KPX Fine Chemical (KRW 87 billion). In terms of domestic sales, Kumho Tire (KRW 1,097.2 billion) topped the list, trailed by Chusun Refractories (KRW 410 billion), and Bukook Steel (KRW 296.8 billion).

Kumho Tire, Dayou Smart Aluminum, and Hwacheon Machine Tool posted largest export rises, while Kumho Tire, Dayou A-Tech, and Chusun Refractories recorded biggest domestic sales increases in that order.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (April 11, 2011)

**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.