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Products of Samsung Electronics to be Exported thr

Writer administ Posted at 2011-01-26
According to Yonhap News,

White appliances of Samsung Electronics will be exported through Mokpo New Port, Jeonnam-do (South Jeolla Province), which has had difficulties in securing cargoes.

Mokpo City said on January 20th that it succeeded in getting Samsung Electronics’ white appliances, manufactured at a factory in Gwangju, exported through the New Port after conducting a port sale toward domestic and foreign shipping companies.

The export volume will be 50 TEU (20 feet container) a week at first, and be gradually expanded. Yanghae Shipping Co., Ltd., which plies ships between Mokpo New Port and Shanghai Port, China, and has signed an agreement to open a sea route with Mokpo City, will deliver the whole cargoes.

A city official said “Samsung Electronics’ products of 10,000 TEU are exported around the world every month. When cargoes to Shanghai is shipped stably through the New Port, export and import companies and shipping companies in Gwangju will be more interested, potentially creating a synergy effect.”

Five international container routes are newly opened at the New Port to Japan, China, Thailand, etc.

The New Port has dealt with cargoes of 7,842 TEU in 2009 and 31,000 TEU last year. The City expects that the figure will exceed 50,000 TEU this year.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Jan. 20, 2011)

**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.