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Boseong Green Tea, Promotion in Austria

Writer administ Posted at 2010-09-13
According to Yonhap News,

‘Boseong green tea promotion contest’ will be held in Austria for two months from September 6th in order to promote excellence and sale of Boseong green tea.

According to Boseong-gun on September 3rd, ‘Korea Boseong green tea special exhibition’ will be held at Hass & Hass, a global green tea store located at the center of Vienna, Austria starting from September 6th.

County governor Jeon Jong-hae, law makers of Boseong-gun, representatives of green tea producers, Boseong Sori performance team, and major figures of Austria will participate in the opening ceremony.

A total of 13 items related to green tea such as green tea, Korean traditional green tea cookies, and green soap will be displayed. Some of the items will be exported directly under the joint brand with Hass & Hass.

The CEO of Hass & Hass, which has contributed to the exhibition, will be appointed ‘an honorary ambassador of Boseong green tea.’ The letter of appointment and certificate for an honorary ambassador will be delivered to the CEO.

Boseong-gun plans to build a stable distribution network in order to lay the foundation to increase export to not only Austria but also Europe.

Various events will be held in order to promote Boseong green tea and culture for two months: traditional tea ceremony will be demonstrated and Korean traditional music will be performed at a special dealership of a local automobile manufacturer.

County governor Jeong Jong-hae said “we will provide full support so that Boseong green tea can grow into a global high-quality green tea across Europe, starting from Austria.”

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Sept. 03, 2010)

**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.