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Jeonnam-do, Zhejiang Province Strengthen Exchange

Writer administ Posted at 2010-11-15
According to Yonhap News,

Jeonnam-do (South Jeolla Province) and Zhejiang Province of China agreed to strengthen the exchange and cooperation among regional universities at the 12th Korea China Forum held at Hotel Hyundai, Yeongam-gun on November 3rd. To this end, they will expand exchange programs for excellent students and promote Korean and Chinese studies and make other efforts.

The theme of the forum was ‘measures for cooperation in higher education between Jeonnam and Zhejiang. The attendees include Vice Governor for Administrative Affairs Lee Gae-ho of Jeonnam, the Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province, and about 200 public and university officials.

Vice Governor Lee Gae-ho said in his opening speech “this forum will be an opportunity to invigorate exchange and cooperation among regional universities by deepening the understanding on higher education systems of the two regions,” and added “let’s consolidate friendship and cooperation between Korea and China.”

The Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province said “this forum will provide a new platform for improving exchange between the two regions,” and added “let’s strengthen exchange and cooperation through the exchange in higher education.”

The Korea China Forum between Jeonnam and Zhejian has been held annually since they forged a sister relationship in 1998, and marked 12th anniversary this year.

At the forum, agreements were concluded between Mokpo National University and Zhejiang University of Technology to push forward exchange among professors, students and research.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Nov. 3, 2010)

**This is an English translation of a Korean news article