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Korea-Russia Maritime Applied Experiment Center in

Writer administ Posted at 2010-09-28
According to Yonhap News,

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Jeonnam-do (South Jeolla Province), and Jangheung-gun held an opening ceremony for ‘Maritime Applied Experiment Center’ at Noryeok Island, Hoejin-myeon, Jangheung-gun on September 16th. The center will be used as a place for testing maritime information and communication equipment.

Around 100 people participated in the ceremony including the Russian consul in Korea, Director Jeong Byeong-jae of Economy and Science Division of Jeonnam-do, County Governor Lee Myeong-heum of Jangheung-gun, and representatives of relevant companies.

Korean and Russian researchers will stay in the center, which is established to experiment with research results of ‘Korea-Russia MT-IT Convergence Technology Research Center’ in Jangseong and accumulate technologies to be commercialized. ‘Korea-Russia MT-IT Convergence Technology Research Center’ in Jangseong was established to attract leading overseas research institutes by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.

‘Korea-Russia MT-IT Convergence Technology Research Center’ will develop high value-added and state-of-the-art equipment such as high-tech communication equipment used in small- and middle-sized ships, small unmanned submarines which can explore under water, and robots for maintaining ships. The Korea-Russia Maritime Applied Experiment Center will carry out experiment on those developed technologies.

Source Text

Source: Yonhap News (Sept. 16, 2010)

**This is an English translation of a Korean news article.