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Governor Kim Young-rok holds a tourism briefing on revitalizing Muan Airport in Hangzhou, China.

Writer 관리자 Posted at 2024-07-10

Governor Kim Young-rok holds a tourism briefing on revitalizing Muan Airport in Hangzhou, China.

- Following the introduction of Jeonnam’s attractive tourism resources, a business agreement for regular routes was signed -

- A&T, attracting attention by announcing global Namdo Tour link tourism product -

【Tourism Department Manager Shim Woo-jeong 286-5210, Tourism Marketing Team Leader Cho Hyeong-geun 286-5240】

(Attach 3 photos from Hangzhou, China and Jeonnam tourism information session)

In order to revitalize Muan International Airport, Jeollanam-do Province held a Jeonnam tourism information session in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, and also signed an agreement to launch regular routes between Muan and Hangzhou starting in September.

Jeollanam-do Province Governor Kim Young-rok, who is visiting China, attended the Jeollanam-do tourism information session held at the Narada Grand Hotel in Hangzhou, China on the 9th with about 60 local travel and aviation industry officials and journalists in attendance.

The tourism briefing session was attended by Chen Kwang-seong, head of China's Zhejiang Province Culture, Broadcasting and Tourism Office, and officials from China's leading travel and aviation industry, including Nota Air Service and Long Air, who are active in Hangzhou, raising expectations for the revitalization of tourism exchanges between China and Jeollanam-do in the future.

In particular, following the promotion of Jeonnam's attractive tourist resources, Governor Kim Young-rok signed a business agreement for regular flights between Muan and Hangzhou with Son Jeong-kwon, CEO of A&T, and Zhou Jeon-seong, CEO of Nota Air Service.

According to the agreement, regular routes between Muan and Hangzhou are scheduled to operate twice a week starting from mid-September.

At the agreement ceremony, A&T, the No. 1 inbound travel company in Jeollanam-do, which operates routes to various countries such as Vietnam, Taiwan, and Mongolia, centered on Muan International Airport, will provide a 3-night, 4-day trip exclusively to Jeonnam, a 4-night, 5-day trip to the Honam area, and a global tour of Namdo. It attracted a lot of attention by promoting linked products. It also served as an introduction to independent travel using the Jeonnam Provincial Tourism Platform (JN TOUR) app, and was evaluated as having expanded the range of options for Chinese people who want not only package tours but also individual tours.

Governor Kim Young-rok said, “I believe that the launch of the regular route between Muan and Hangzhou will strengthen the friendship between Jeonnam Province and Zhejiang Province, which have maintained a deep relationship as sister cities for 26 years,” and added, “In the future, many people will visit Jeonnam by air and enjoy world-class cultural and tourism content.” “I hope you enjoy the taste and style of Jeonnam, which is the most Korean,” he said.

◇ Photo description

(China Hangzhou Jeonnam Tourism Information Session 1)

Jeollanam-do Province Governor Kim Young-rok, who is visiting China, is taking a commemorative photo with attendees at the Jeollanam-do tourism information session held at the Narada Grand Hotel in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on the 9th (local time) with about 60 people including local travel and aviation industry journalists in attendance.

(China Hangzhou Jeonnam Tourism Information Session 2)

Jeollanam-do Governor Kim Young-rok (center), who is visiting China, attends a Jeonnam tourism information session held at the Narada Grand Hotel in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on the 9th (local time) with about 60 people, including local travel and aviation industry journalists, and A&T representative Son Jeong-kwon (left) and Zhou. We are signing a business agreement with the representative of Jeonsung Nota Air Service for regular flights between Muan and Hangzhou.

(China Hangzhou Jeonnam Tourism Information Session 3)

Jeollanam-do Governor Kim Young-rok, who is visiting China, is giving a greeting at the Jeonnam tourism information session held at the Narada Grand Hotel in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on the 9th (local time) with about 60 people, including local travel and aviation industry journalists, in attendance.